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WARNING:This template depreciated, please use Template:SpellInformation2 when updating
Class Brigand Brigand Spell Icon needed HO Icon needed
Level 34
Category (Target) DS (Enemy)
 Casting Time  Instant
 Recast time  1 min
 Duration  9.0 seconds
 Range  Up to 15 meters
Brigand: Ruse Spell Line
Level Spell Name
20 Ruse
34 Trickery
48 Deception
62 Subterfuge
74 Shenanigans
A cunning attempt to trick the target into believing the brigand is bleeding to death, increasing its hate towards the brigand. The brigand launches a powerful surprise attack if the target strikes within the next few seconds.
  • Increases threat priority of target by 2 positions.
  • Stuns caster.
  • Decreases defense and parry of caster by 153.
  • When target is damaged with a melee weapon this spell will cast Surprise Attack on target's attacker.
    • Inflicts piercing damage on target (see chart below)
    • Grants a total of 1 trigger of the spell.

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Spell Effects by Spell Rank
Effect Apprentice Journeyman Adept Expert Master Grandmaster Ancient Celestial
This spell is using an old template and may not have been updated for GU52. If you have updated this spell for GU52, please use the SpellEffectsLine2 template in place of SpellEffectsLine (ie add a "2").
Inflicts piercing damage on target 613-1022 669-1115 780-1300 892-1486

Cells for spell ranks that are not available for this spell are displayed as black.
