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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Signature  (AA)
Introduced Altar of Malice
Journal Level 101 (Tier 11)
Journal Difficulty Heroic
Starting Zone Tranquil Sea more
How to Start Speak to Nuwat Pickletrade
part of: Shattered Seas Timeline
Preceded by:
Shattered Seas: Enter the Savage Lands
Followed by:
Shattered Seas: Dark Threats on Dshinn

What does this information mean?


  1. Zone into Zavith'loa: The Hidden Caldera (Solo) or Zavith'loa: The Hidden Caldera (Heroic) at ( -1263, 79, -726 ) Copy. Fight your way all the way through the zone until you kill the Fiery Effigy of Cloatl'thoa (Solo). See the Zone's page for its strategy.
  • Note: Heroic instance will also give quest updates (for everyone in group)
  1. Return to Nuwat Pickletrade at Merinep. The quest updates at ( -1025, 98, -171 ) Copy
  2. Talk to Seep close by
  3. Talk to Nuwat at ( -565, 7, -582 ) Copy
  4. Talk to Researcher Aillena Belzia at Sapswill ( 1228, 17, 1253 ) Copy
  5. Go to The Crow's Nest on Isle of Refuge and defeat the enemy agent (an Agent of Freeport for good aligned characters, an Agent of Qeynos for evil aligned)
  6. Return to Aillena who is now joined by Murrar Sharr (if good-aligned) or Harbinger Gloska (evil-aligned). Follow the conversation between them and Aillena.

