Click the portal by the sleeping body in either North Qeynos ( 410, -21, -189 ) Copy/waypoint 410, -21, -189 or North Freeport ( -73, -21, -76 ) Copy/waypoint -73, -21, -76 to zone into A Memory of Sand, a special version of the Tower of the Moon.
Make your way to the top floor and collect the green shard at ( 6, 28, 11 ) Copy/waypoint 6, 28, 11.
Note: encounter of 3 mummy equal level vv, encounter of 3 djinn equal level vv, encounter of 2 naga equal v. Note 2: The encounters seem to have a minimal level of 10
Note: (Stormhold) 2016, at 76 all groups of 3 mobs were 76 Heroics with no ^s, so ended up invising past them on each floor.
Use the portal by the sleeping Thumore to enter A Memory of Nothingness, a special version of the Palace of Ferzhul.
You do not have to defeat all monsters. You can get by them by keeping to the edges of the map, going alone the sides of the rock and bridges till you reach the wall of ice. The only monsters you really need to kill are the three trolls in front of it.
Head West and kill the group of troll guardians standing in front of the wall of ice. Enter the passage and collect the shard at ( 81, 22, -3 ) Copy/waypoint 81, 22, -3.Invis works.
Many of the monsters in the Memory instances can be skipped by careful navigation or the use of stealth/invisibility.
A Memory of Nothingness, and possibly the other instances, will re-spawn mobs.
This article refers to events, personae, items and activities only present in-game during the annual Heroes' Festival event. Heroes' Festival comes to Norrath for a short time, generally around the beginning of November.