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Shattered Longbow of Pride

Shattered Longbow of Pride

Shattered Longbow of Pride equipped

Shattered Longbow of Pride (Equipped)

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Shattered Longbow of Pride
Item 3767
White Adornment Slot Purple Adornment Slot Cyan Adornment Slot 
3,712 Primary Attributes 6,405 Stamina
300,198 Health 188,654 Power
327% Max Health
531.1% Crit Chance
38,663.2%  Potency
445 Resolve
1485 Crit Bonus Overcap
Damage 8799 - 13198     ranged
Delay 8.0 seconds    (2749.68 Rating)
Range 2 - 35 meters
Level 125 (Tier 13)
All Scouts, Paladin, Shadowknight, Berserker, Guardian, Channeler
Obtain: This item can be purchased from Tishan's Lockbox (Splendor Sky Aerie), a Merchant vendor for 0c.

\aITEM -2109211052 566992517 0 0 0:Shattered Longbow of Pride\/a \aITEM -2109211052 566992517 0 0 0:Shattered Longbow of Pride\/a
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