Speak to Apprentice Trevyr at ( 337, -36, 825 ) Copy/waypoint 337.18, -36.14, 824.90. He is hiding to left by a crystal.
Note: The mobs are too busy to attack you so just walk over there. Be on the lookout that many areas have repeated rockfalls that will knockback throughout the zone.
Warning: Be sure to talk to Apprentice Trevyrinside the instance.If you fail to do this you will have to redo the instance.
Warning: If you fail to speak to the frightened spirits before killing Fire Monger Baltar, you won't be able to update the quest and will have to run the instance again. A few locations for frightened spirits are ( 1262, -36, 843 ) Copy/waypoint 1262, -36, 843 or ( 216, -36, 822 ) Copy/waypoint 216, -36, 822 or ( 1194, -36, 813 ) Copy/waypoint 1194, -36, 813
Defeat Old Witherby at ( 217, -36, 851 ) Copy/waypoint 216.70, -36.14, 850.69.
Hint: At the beginning of your fight a lot of "adds" will spawn, but - as long as you do not attack them (e.g. by AE-effects) - they will not attack you and despawn after you have killed Old Witherby.
Defeat War Master Ryzon at ( 270, -28, 778 ) Copy/waypoint 270.09, -27.67, 777.86. He's in the center area, one of the paths into the crystal is open and leads to a platform.
During the fight, when he reaches 50% health Diretusk will add. Diretusk must also be defeated.
Warning: Last Chance to make sure you free the frightened spirits! If you fail to speak to the frightened spirits before killing Fire Monger Baltar, you won't be able to update the quest and will have to run the instance again.
Warning: It is not easy to defeat War Master Ryzon so if you have not spoken with all of the frightened spirits, now would be a good time. You have been warned!
The ghosts you rescued come to "help". You must click one spirit, to become spirit-form.
As the spirits appear, you are only able to damage Fire Monger Baltar when you are in "spirit form".
Stay away from the fire.
Try not to get knockback from the rockfalls.
Unclear whether using mage dispel is important in this fight, he has several beneficials on him. If you have it, use it.
Exit the zone at ( 270, -35, 728 ) Copy/waypoint 270, -35, 728 and speak to Apprentice Trevyr at ( 154, 62, -640 ) Copy/waypoint 154.44, 62.16, -639.53 in Aurelian Coast.