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Destroy 5 Chirannis Ritual Drums in Dustpaw Burrow
Possible locations:
( -123, -6, -133 ) Copy/waypoint -123, -6, -133 may require a Darkpaw Ladder, but it can be reached by jumping
( 1, -3, -189 ) Copy/waypoint 1, -3, -189
( -23, -12, -138 ) Copy/waypoint -23, -12, -138
( -132, -15, -80 ) Copy/waypoint -132, -15, -80
Destroy 5 Pack Lord Totems in Mudpaw Burrow
Possible locations:
( -62, -65, -234 ) Copy/waypoint -62, -65, -234
( -9, -64, -189 ) Copy/waypoint -9, -64, -189
( -89, -73, -168 ) Copy/waypoint -89, -73, -168
Destroy 5 Pack Lord Totems in Rockpaw Burrow
Possible locations:
( 50, 3, 203 ) Copy/waypoint 50, 3, 203
( 92, 5, 169 ) Copy/waypoint 92, 5, 169
( 129, 3, 187 ) Copy/waypoint 129, 3, 187
( 10, 3, 219 ) Copy/waypoint 10, 3, 219
( 2, 6, 189 ) Copy/waypoint 2, 6, 189
Hunt devotees, zealots, and adherents for 12 Pack Lord prayer beads
Automatic group update upon killing the specific type of gnoll, including:
A Mudpaw Zealot in Mudpaw Burrow
A Dustpaw adherent in Dustpaw Burrow
A Nisch Mal Devotee in Splitpaw Burrow
Search for the Tome of Chirannis
Drop down the hole at ( -32, 0, 299 ) Copy/waypoint -32, 0, 299 to land at Ancestral Gathering (or use the terraporter if you've unlocked it)
Click on 'Ceremonial Chest' ( -31, -23, 283 ) Copy/waypoint -31.30, -23.30, 283.20 in Ancestral Gathering and in Convocation of Chirannis until you get the update
NOTE: unlike previous steps, this is NOT a group update!