The quest items exist prior to killing the nearby Named, it is possible to click the sparkling pages to get update and evac without killing them.
Return to the Duality in Feerrott.
Use the travel globes from any zone to Jarsath Wastes (Danak Shipyard). (Once you're there, find Erus Dal'viv ( -757, -50, 1900 ) Copy/waypoint -757, -50, 1900 on a ship off shore. You can fly or swim to the ship or talk to Brind (Deepwater Circle Teleporter) ( -312, -46, 1401 ) Copy/waypoint -312.14, -46.30, 1400.83 to be teleported to the ship.)
Head east to ( -1125, 124, 2004 ) Copy/waypoint -1125, 124, 2004 (You can talk to Clessi Hergravis to have her teleport you to the Wurmbone Cleft). Enter the cave and take the right fork then zone into Wurmbone Crag (Advanced Solo). (You have to kill all the named in here, no skipping.)
Zone into Wurmbone's End (Advanced Solo) via the left fork of the tunnel in Jarsath. ( -1199, 125, 2021 ) Copy/waypoint -1199, 125, 2021(as of 1/31/2013 you must kill at least the third and fourth names to spawn Prime Magnate Mrelg)
First Monolith: Click on the Ancient Stone Icon at ( -315, -9, -334 ) Copy/waypoint -315, -9, -334(It is near the Shissar statues; out of aggro range of the named.) It's about the size of a book and has white sparkles.
First Monolith
Second Monolith: Kill Prime Magnate Mrelg around ( 647, -159, -499 ) Copy/waypoint 647, -159, -499.
Talk to Clessi Hergravis on the ship, or to Brind on the shipyard dock for a teleport to the entrance into Chelsith: The Ancient Vault (Advanced Solo). Quest updates at ( -823, -56, 1215 ) Copy/waypoint -823, -56, 1215 and zone entrance is at ( -810, -53, 1212 ) Copy/waypoint -810, -53, 1212.
Monolith: Kill Murmaz the Believer at ( 483, -17, -460 ) Copy/waypoint 483, -17, -460. (You can't skip all the other named easily. Each one requires a trigger item from another named in the zone.)
Item of Interest: Step onto the blue sparkles in front of the door at ( 746, -136, -523 ) Copy/waypoint 746, -136, -523in the Resonance Chamber.
Head to Greater Faydark and speak to the Duality at ( 670, 52, 121 ) Copy/waypoint 670, 52, 121 (Note: The waypoint is a little bit misleading, On my map it was in the middle of the mountains. Go to the entrance to the Cloister and he is inside.)