Make your way to Oligar of the Dead across the entrance (sneak works to get to him).
Hire him as your temporary mercenary (you'll need him for the script upstairs. He is no-zone)
Use the portal that appears right where you picked up the mercenary (might have to step off and back on) to reach Drinal (100 epic x2).
Let the mercenary beat Drinal down to 90% before using the Soul Skiver given to you on him.
Currently no stat is needed unless you are squishy. Send the merc and dps him to 90%.
There are 2 ways to fight him (long and short way)
long way
When we ran the quest, Drinal was hitting for massive damages if we took the aggro and the gehein mercenary was running a complex script to weaken him. Beware of not ripping aggro. (Don't even touch him till 90% the merc takes no damage in the fight however you will each time Drinal cast a special spell).
Your regular mercenary will be suspended and put into a drop down in the mercenary window so you can resummon him after finishing the instance.
If you have any of the healing stones from running the previous dungeons they may come in handy during this fight.
He drains over 3% of your power every time he cast Tendrels of Fear
short way
If you have a pet make sure you have them stand back, and then send in Oligar and let him debuff for like 10 seconds. Then on Drinal use one of the red charms (these will take 30% of his HP) that drop frequently in CoE advanced solo zones. As soon as the charm hits use the Soul Skiver.
Note: If you don't have one of those red charms you can sit back and let Oligar beat down Drinal to about 90%. Drinal will go to one knee and Oligar will come running back to you as he says that now is the time to use the Soul Skiver.
After using the Soul Skiver, the fight will end and Drinal will turn non-attackable and will start talking. Then use the portal that appears next to Drinal to zone out.