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CQ felwithe sentryshards Journal

Journal entry

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Collection Quest Information
Collection Name Sentry Shards
Category: Felwithe
Level 65 (Tier 7)
Zone (Patch) New Tunaria more (Echoes of Faydwer)
Reward types: House Items

This quest is part of the Collection Quests Timeline

Hidden shiny

A Hidden collectible, as seen when wearing the appropriate Expert Goggles

Starting the Collection

Most Collection Quests begin by examining any of the members of that collection, which are harvested from special, random ground spawning nodes using the Collecting harvesting skill. Members of this collection can be found as follows:

  • Hidden Blue: Blue shiny sparkles named with a question mark (?) over them. These can only be seen while wearing Gnomish Collection Goggles.

Collection Members


Special Notes

Specifically found in the connecting stairwell by the shrines in the front of the instance, the temple of the Archmage north eastern most area and occasionally around the temple itself or the surrounding areas. This is the Expert Collection for New Tunaria. As with all Faydwer Expert Collections Gnomish Collection Goggles from the Faydwer Expert Recognition Collection Quest is required and must be equipped to be able to see to collection nodes.

For a list of known spawn locations of collection nodes see Expert Collection Item Known Locations.

Daybreak Games
