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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Raj'Dur Plateaus
Introduced Renewal of Ro
Journal Level 129 (Tier 13)
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone Raj'Dur Plateaus more
How to Start Speak to Jawdah the Mystic at ( 178, -60, 459 ) Copy
part of: Renewal of Ro Timeline
Preceded by:
Renewal of Ro: All's Well in Hopewell
Followed by:
Fight or Fright

What does this information mean?


  1. Hunt 8 sand snapper ticks432, -20, 12 ) Copy for blood samples.
  2. Look for and kill dryland corpsebeaks until they drop a feather on the ground. This can be very hard to see as it glows a golden colour very similar to the bloom on the sand.
  3. Return to Jawdah the Mystic

