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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category World Event
Introduced Visions of Vetrovia
Journal Level Scales with player level
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone see Starting the Quest below
How to Start Speak to Faezoth in Qeynos Capitol District696, -19, 223 ) Copy or Silrena in The City of Freeport-117, -25, 207 ) Copy
Preceded by:
Followed by:
Cache Back / Cache Back (Event)

Awl Ways a Helper
Meals To Go
Weaving Some Assistance

What does this information mean?


Faction can be tracked under the 'Deserts of Ro' as 'Nomads of Ro'. Initial value is -10,000.


  1. Travel to The Sinking Sands dock and in the Croc Hunter Camp speak to Kania-1343, -227, -604 ) Copy.
  2. At the The Oasis of Marr speak to Mamat-1248, -215, -292 ) Copy then Baniti-1232, -215, -299 ) Copy.
  3. Travel to The Barren Sky and on The Whisperwind Isle at The Stonefall Breach collect dust from 12 Djinn Dust Wisps-529, -72, -353 ) Copy. These will become agressive/attackable when you approach within 5 metres.
  4. Return to The Sinking Sands and hail Baniti-1232, -215, -299 ) Copy to give the pile of dust. At this point Baniti will turn your screen a monochrome green.
  5. On the Orc Highway smash the glowing pile of rocks ( -501, -103, -139 ) Copy and enter The Fractured Cache.
  6. Kill Cruor Mother-114, -71, -74 ) Copy and receive the text "The sudden sound of a stone cracking echoes through the Fractured Cache. Passage into the adjacent caves may be possible!".
  7. Attack the cracked wall ( -69, -68, -95 ) Copy and enter the small cave.
  8. Kill seven (7) Rujarkian Grunts and kill Overseer Ovlogg-89, -71, -197 ) Copy. This will trigger the exposure of the next cracked wall ( -45, -73, -176 ) Copy.
  9. Kill The Ephemeral Guardian3, -64, -186 ) Copy and collect the Ancient Crystal Arca7, -65, -191 ) Copy
  10. Fast travel to the appropriate Quest giver of Faezoth in Qeynos Capitol District696, -19, 223 ) Copy or Silrena in Freeport-117, -25, 207 ) Copy. Or exit the cache ( 24, -40, -126 ) Copy.

