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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category The Barren Sky  (AA)
Introduced LU55
Journal Level 67 (Tier 7)
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone Barren Sky more
How to Start Speak to Frigui Togginscog in the Barren Sky on the Isle of Desolation506, 301, -558 ) Copy
part of: Cloud Mount Timeline
Preceded by:
Another Aerial Attempt
Followed by:
Heading into the Night
NOTE: User_comment.png A discussion page exists which may contain more information

What does this information mean?


  1. Drive cloud to Isle of Awakening. Then use the lift at ( 80, 150, 210 ) Copy to cross over.Go to enter the Palace of the Awakened110, 150, 124 ) Copy.
  2. Examine the Book Binding to the Drednever in your inventory and add it to the Drednever journal pages collection. Collect the rest of the scattered pages from around the Palace.
    • See the Discussion page for page locations. But locations looks random.
    • Journal pages are tradable, alternatively you can buy from broker.
  3. Turn in the collection to any collector NPC to receive Drednever Torn Journal.
    • For convenience, there is a collector NPC, Hoot'el Latti, located within the Windgazer's Hideout (Whisperwind Isle).( -610, 8, -575 ) Copy
  4. Return to Frigui

