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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Buried Takish'Hiz
Introduced Renewal of Ro
Journal Level 130 (Tier 14)
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone Raj'Dur Plateaus more
How to Start Speak to Shawah in Goldami Reservoir Camp at ( -534, 10, 420 ) Copy
part of: Renewal of Ro Timeline
Preceded by:
Renewal of Ro: Buried Truths
Followed by:
Chalice of Growth

What does this information mean?

(NOTE: Make sure the quest updates, if you clicked on the entrance it will you let you enter, but if you didn't properly place the sigil stone the quest does NOT update and you will not get credit. Exit and look for the sigil stone in front of the entrance, click on that and the quest should update.)[]


  1. Set the Assembled sigil stone in the Sigil plate/
    • Click on Sigil Plate at ( -550, 11, 430 ) Copy
  2. Enter Buried Takish'Hiz: Foundation of Knowledge (Solo) at Goldami Reservoir Camp at ( -554, 12, 428 ) Copy to gather and kill the following:
    • See the walkthrough on the instance's page for detailed walkthrough steps for the dungeon.
    • Gather 8 apotropaic figures. Some possible locations include:
      Apotropaic Figure

      Apotropaic Figure

    • Hunt 14 cursed Elddar for protective amulets.
    • Obtain the Theosophist's Scroll of Aversion. It can be on the floor or on a shelf in the final room Istueth, the Takish Archives. Some possible locations include:
      Theosophist's Scroll of Aversion

      Theosophist's Scroll of Aversion

      • 155, 55, 213 ) Copy
      • -16, 56, 205 ) Copy Second shelf.
  3. Return to Shawah.

