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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Tradeskill
Introduced Kunark Ascending
Journal Level 100 (Tier 11)
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone Obulus Frontier more
How to Start Speak with Glibnox132, -164, -768 ) Copy in Twark
part of: Kunark Ascending Crafting Timeline
Preceded by:
Bone Collecting
Followed by:
Deeper Disguise

What does this information mean?


The Soothsayer's Scrying Bones recipe auto-scribes. You do not need to locate it in inventory and scribe it manually.


  1. Use the Goblin Firepit next to Glibnox and craft Soothsayer's Scrying Bones.
    • Requires 100 Artisan, 4 chokidai bones, 5 Thaumic Coal
  2. The scrying bones should lead the way to the iksar I seek
    1. Use the Soothsayer's Scrying Bones
      • "A wispy trail leads to the south!" to Warslik's Wood ( 209, -227, -139 ) Copy
      • Note: the Quest doesn't update at the location the scrying bones lead you to, but you must generally pass a little beyond the marked location instead.
    2. Use the Soothsayer's Scrying Bones again
      • "A wispy trail leads towards the hills!" ( -72, -126, 65 ) Copy.
    3. Use the Soothsayer's Scrying Bones again
      • "A wispy trail leads through the pass!" - through Grunt's Pass up to the mountains ( -289, 45, 542 ) Copy.
    4. Use the Soothsayer's Scrying Bones again
      • "A wispy trail leads up and to the west!" - leads further through the mountains (Wurmscale Barrens) to the tunnel entrance ( 697, 221, 825 ) Copy
      • When standing at the last spot the trail leads one to (698.11, 221.31, 827.36), the quest does NOT auto-update to the last prompt, while still prompting to use the bones. Having arrived at the last spot at the top of the trail into the Crusader's Cave entrance, after it says to cast the bones then do that again to receive the emote to move West. Then you just need to move further into the cave mouth before the quest will properly update to the next prompt. Esentially you need to 'encounter' the Crusaders inside the cave mouth so the quest will tell you to convince them to trust you.
      • Pro Tip: enter Obulus Frontier from either Jarsath Wastes or Kylong Plains and make use of the broken Soothsayer's Scrying Bones which will lead to same entrance and gain one needed update.
  3. "I need to convince these crusaders to trust me."
    • Get the armor from "a dead crusader" a bit on the way back on the road to complete the quest. Keep looting corpses until you get the auto-update to complete the quest that will give you the disguise in order to start the next quest.
    • Note:known locations include ( 685, 219, 820 ) Copy, ( 606, 193, 647 ) Copy, ( 638, 207, 729 ) Copy


  • At least 1p 53g 9s
