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Screams of Battle

Screams of Battle

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EverQuest II Adornment Information
Screams of Battle Purple adornment icon 02 (Fabled)
This item can be sold to certain NPCs for status. Selling it also earns guild status if your guild is below level 100. Status bonuses granted by the server are not included on items sold to merchants.
Adds the following to an item:

Screams of Battle

Item Type Cloak,  Primary,  Secondary,  Ranged,  Waist
Slot Type Purple Adornment Slot
Level 92 (Tier 10)
  • When Equipped:
    • Caster has a 5.0% chance of having one of their weapons' auto attack strike the target multiple times.
    • Increases Damage Per Second of caster by 15.0
    • This effect does not stack with itself if adorned on multiple items.
    • Caster has a 20.0% chance of having one of their weapons' auto attack affect multiple targets they are facing who are within range of that weapon.
    • Must not be engaged in pvp combat
    • This item may not be used in a PvP zone.
    • Suspends when Battle Cry or Arms of Imagination is active
    • If above level 92
Obtain: By using Windtorn Ethertouched Rune Pattern

\aITEM -860191440 731983400 0 0 0:Screams of Battle\/a \aITEM -860191440 731983400 0 0 0:Screams of Battle\/a
