What does this information mean?
- Speak with Armae Mistgazer who shows up next to Liwia.
- Speak with Wakuni, high spirittalker at ( 88, 7, 400 ) Copy/waypoint 87.55, 7.18, 400.37
- Speak with Stissa, Emissary of the Speaker, in the Sinking Sands ( -1503, -214, -387 ) Copy/waypoint -1502.57, -214.35, -386.93
- Speak with Stissa, Emissary of the Speaker again to embark to Fina's Retreat. This zones you into Great Divide: Fina's Retreat instance.
- Speak with Osh at ( -1631, -535, -2427 ) Copy/waypoint -1631, -535, -2427
- Kill the following
- Speak with Osh.
- Speak with Stissa at ( -1633, -530, -2399 ) Copy/waypoint -1633, -530, -2399. you will be sent to Western Wastes
- Speak with Elna Tsernin at ( 77, 7, 648 ) Copy/waypoint 77, 7, 648.
- At least 4p 36g 48s 99c
- One of the following
- Other rewards: ?
- Northern Coast Bangle of Frenzy
- Northern Coast Chain Greaves of Fortitude
- Northern Coast Pants of Fortitude
- Northern Coast Greaves of Fortitude
- Northern Coast Chausses of Fortitude