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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Signature
Introduced Scars of Destruction
Journal Level 130 (Tier 14)
Journal Difficulty Heroic
Starting Zone Sodden Archipelago more
How to Start Speak to Adris Spiritshine at ( 290, 283, -735 ) Copy in the Sodden Archipelago
part of: Scars of Destruction Timeline
Preceded by:
Scars of Destruction: Into Blackhook Badlands
Followed by:
Scars of Destruction: Void the Spiral's Anchor

What does this information mean?



  1. Enter Blackhook Spiral: Stonebrunt Defile [Solo]215, 286, -794 ) Copy
  2. Progress through the zone.
  3. Kill Shraks the Axe at ( 320, 238, 151 ) Copy
  4. Proceed to the Northern Gates of Wrath at ( 444, 239, 149 ) Copy
  5. Open the gate by clicking the lever to the right at ( 443, 240, 144 ) Copy
  6. Proceed to kill Grawl Bakka (Kolbok Chieftan) at ( 469, 246, 347 ) Copy, has knockback. ( Survive the threats of Sodden Sanctuary)
  7. Proceed to kill Frenek the Far Lancer by crossing the bridge and entering a swirling mist that moves around. One location is ( 545, 246, 215 ) Copy
    1. NOTE: The swirling mist is Frenek's targeting circle. He is a lookout and lives in the tall guard tower. When you enter his targeting circle, he will see you, tell you so, and teleport you to him. This tower's climbing rungs are clickable ("climb.") Clicking the rungs will instantly get you back to the top where Frenek is. Frenek will throw you off the tower repeatedly and you will need to climb back up.
    2. NOTE: Kill the mobs at the base of the tower before you climb up because they will swarm you when Frenek throws you off the tower.
    3. He casts stifle. He will throw you off the tower (port you away) several times.
  8. Proceed to kill Akamizu , Demon of the Lake at ( 535, 209, 37 ) Copy (Still buggy)
    • Go downhill and harvest a local veggies bush to obtain cucumbers from the plants nearby. This will get her to pop.
    • Engage her behind the waterfall where she is standing on dry land.
    • She will soon run to the water. Follow her out and go stand on the shore beside some local veggies plants.
    • Each time she moves to the water, harvest a local veggies for a cucumber then hold your cursor over her. It changes to a hand and you can click on her which will cause her to leave the water so she can be damaged.
  9. Proceed to kill Orok the Overbearing at ( 324, 189, -226 ) Copy
    1. NOTE: Kill the Orcs guarding the surrounding goblins. When you kill the orcs guarding the three goblin groups, they will assist you in the fight against Orok by warding you from Stun, Fear, and Stifle respectively. After the fight, you can stay around for a Goblin Celebration if you like.
    2. Pay attention which goblin group around him helps with stun, fear and stifle, run to them to help make you immune when Orok uses one of those attacks. (after you kill bouncers around them they become: energized goblins = stun , boisterous goblins = stifle, brave goblins = fear)
    • Note: While you are in this quest! Do not use the portal that spawns right there after killing Orok. Proceed to next step and use portal further in the zone.
  10. Venture deeper to The Gates of Fort Sunder ( 352, 177, -387 ) Copy Inspect the gate.
  11. Zone out and return to Adris Spiritshine in Sodden Archipelago at ( 290, 283, -735 ) Copy.
  12. Acquire the Kaborite Key needed to enter Fort Sunder
  13. Speak to Adris Spiritshine and with Skortch to obtain the Kaborite Key.
  14. Enter Blackhook Spiral: Fort Sunder [Solo]
  15. Clear trash mobs until a purple message appears and gate switches can be clicked at ( 310, 178, -448 ).
  16. Continue to clear mobs until the next gate can be opened.
  17. Click the gate switch at ( 312, 177, -390 ) Copy
  18. Kill Argh the Anvil at ( 303, 179, -345 ) Copy Don't forget to collect your shiney.
  19. Proceed to the Great lift and throw the lever at ( 272, 179, -437 ) Copy to lower the lift, get on and then raise the lift.
  20. Kill Igarn the Insurmountable and Winx the Unmountable who patrol the path around ( 133, 225, -365 ) Copy
  21. Kill Zeraxyl at ( 53, 211, -489 ) Copy and collect your shiney.
  22. Ride the mount at ( 52, 211, -489 ) Copy to the Isle of the Forgotten.
  23. Kill Tajara the Vengeful
  24. Ride the mount at ( -369, 320, -652 ) Copy to Harmok HQ.
  25. Kill Harmok the Hammer-21, 182, -421 ) Copy
    • Has a very powerful knock back, and adds. Hiding in the forge helps with knockback, but adds additional damage. There's a small nook under one of the containers full of purple items.
  26. Return to Adris Spiritshine

