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For other articles with related titles, see Scarf of the Yciid Outrider.

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Scarf of the Yciid Outrider
Item 381
White Adornment Slot Green Adornment Slot Orange Adornment Slot Turquoise Adornment Slot 
54 Primary Attributes 54 Stamina
21 Combat Skills
12.4 DPS
3% Crit Chance
1.1% Crit Bonus
5%  Potency
2.5% Casting Speed
Maniacal Infusion
Slot Neck
Level 80 (Tier 9)

  • When Equipped:
    • On a hostile spell cast this spell may cast Maniacal Infusion on the group. Lasts for 30.0 seconds. Triggers about 2.0 times per minute.
      • Increases the damage of group members' next spell or combat art by up to 200.
      • Dispelled when target casts a hostile spell
      • Dispelled when target casts a combat art
      • Cannot be modified except by direct means
Obtain: From the Ornate Chest of Hulking Drachnid Prototype in Ravenscale Repository.

\aITEM 2071532939 -1819825766:Scarf of the Yciid Outrider\/a \aITEM 2071532939 -1819825766:Scarf of the Yciid Outrider\/a
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