What does this information mean?
- Click on 10 sparkly damaged notes (not trackable) around Malvonicus' Folly ( 919, 7, 1389 ) Copy/waypoint 919, 7, 1389 or the D.I.R.T.Y. Dig ( 1076, 10, 1111 ) Copy/waypoint 1076, 10, 1111.
- If your adventure level is low for the zone, the notes around the Dig site are safer to gather and will refresh so you can gather all in that area.
- You can only gather 2 notes at a time and must use them to restore 1 note.
- Requires 1 effulgent fuel and 2 notes per combine.
- Engraving desk is next to Skrit ( 1123, 17, 1266 ) Copy/waypoint 1123, 17, 1266 and fuel merchant is at ( 1192, 9, 1218 ) Copy/waypoint 1192, 9, 1218.
- Speak to Skrit