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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category City of Fordel Midst
Introduced Reign of Shadows
Journal Level 120 (Tier 13)
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone City of Fordel Midst more
How to Start Speak to Captain Gleamheart in the Luclin Nexus272, -36, 847 ) Copy
part of: Reign of Shadows Timeline
Preceded by:
Never Let You Echo
Followed by:
Reign of Shadows: Mapping the Dark

What does this information mean?

Enter Echo Caverns: Fungal Foray (Solo) to find the rest of the missing Defenders of Haven and the demolitionist, Zofia Cobbleshod.


  1. Do NOT kill the fourth Name ( Sporefiend Zugu ) until you have progressed this quest to the "find the final boom barrel" step.
  2. You don't have to complete the zone (ie, kill the final Name) to complete the quest.
  3. Can also be done in the Heroic version.


  1. Enter Echo Caverns: Fungal Foray [Solo] and kill the first three bosses
  2. Click on the portal (behind and above where the third Name was standing) indicating "destination unknown" to be ported to Fungus Grove.
  3. Find the injured defender, Selig Balderdash, at ( -455, 173, -125 ) Copy
  4. Head towards Fungus Grove to catch up with Zofia Cobbleshod156, 86, -311 ) Copy.
    • Note: If you have trouble finding the Fungus Grove, you may want to go back to the start of the zone (Evac, Totem of Escape, Gnomish Safety Recaller, etc.) then once you are into The Shattered Chasm, stay to the left until you see mushrooms.
  5. Speak with Zofia Cobbleshod at ( 156, 86, -311 ) Copy
    (distant)Zofia Cobbleshod

    displays location of Zofia as located at end of Burynai Lamp path.

  6. Recover 5 stolen Boom Barrels in Fungus Grove. Some possible locations:
    • 192, 75, -500 ) Copy
    • 254, 64, -272 ) Copy
    • 274, 65, -243 ) Copy
    • 316, 64, -259 ) Copy
    • 323, 36, -380 ) Copy
    • 373, 36, -293 ) Copy
    • 402, 36, -315 ) Copy
    • 459, 41, -272 ) Copy
    • 494, 87, -271 ) Copy
    • 496, 58, -518 ) Copy
    • 523, 87, -241 ) Copy
    • 558, 86, -348 ) Copy
  7. The 6th Boom Barrel is a drop from the fourth Name. Make sure you have collected all 5 barrels in the previous step or you will have to repeat the instance:
    1. Travel to Sods and Bends470, -1, -471 ) Copy.
    2. Continue to ( 301, 13, -472 ) Copy, slaying voracious fungus fiends along the way until you get the message, "A massive fungus fiend awakens from its slumber in search of food!"
    3. Kill Sporefiend Zugu for the last barrel and quest update.
  8. Return to Zofia Cobbleshod in the Fungus Grove at ( 156, 86, -311 ) Copy
    • Note - she's still in your Fungal Foray instance (ie, not the version of her that will appear in the City of Fordel Midst later).
  9. Return to Captain Gleamheart in the Luclin Nexus272, -36, 847 ) Copy.

