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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Signature  (AA)
Introduced LU42
Journal Level 80 (Tier 9)
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone Fens of Nathsar more
How to Start Hail Danelak Hosfoak1195, 203, 1465 ) Copy in Bathezid's Watch in Fens of Nathsar
part of: Artisan Epic Timeline
Preceded by:
Followed by:
Bixie Distraction
NOTE: User_comment.png A discussion page exists which may contain more information

What does this information mean?


Danelak Hosfoak

Danelak Hosfoak

  • Two of us doing the line were able to pick this up with -20k (for those that don't see quest, try zoning in and out) faction with Bathezid's Watch in Fens of Nathsar or the NPCs will claim they do not know you when hailed. *Quests Toothy Maws, Blades of Steel, Cloudy and Future Danger, Last Minute Reprieve, Advancing on the Advancers, and Riliss Lieutenants give +5,000 faction each.
  • Must be level 80 Crafter to be offered the quest.
  • Once you complete New Lands, New Profits, you can begin doing the supply writs to gain Bathezid faction, around level 70. You no longer require level 80 to start grinding faction.
    • Characters of low-adventure level must complete New Lands, New Profits or they will be killed on sight (KoS) by the residents of Bathezid.
  • You only need to do the work that applies to your class. (Not every class, of course!)

Artisan's Epic Notes[]

  • See the artisan epic timeline's main page for full details about the prerequisites, which have changed in the years since the series launched.
  • When the quest is complete, Danelak will ask you about the Shatterlands beyond. If you chose the the text option about Rivervale, you are directed to go there and look for the next NPC for the next quest in the epic.
  • As with most quests of this type, Mass Production will not give you multiple updates. You have to actually craft the recipe 10 times each.


  1. Craft the requested items (for your class only)
  2. Return to Danelak Hosfoak for the reward


  • At least 31g 73s 78c or 1p 35g