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EverQuest 2 Spell Information
Spell Icon
Heroic Opportunity Icon
A group augmentation which increases deflection, parry and block chance along with granting a chance that any enemy attacking an ally in melee will have their hate increased if the ally is a fighter or decreased if they are not a fighter. To maintain this spell, the Warden must continually pay a power upkeep.

Target Group
Power 53 to cast
41 every 3.0 seconds
Casting 2.0 seconds
Recast 1 minute
Duration 30 seconds
Effect Radius 50.0 meters
Level 45



  • Increases group members (AE)'s chance to block by (X)%
  • Increases Parry and Deflection of group members (AE) by (X)
  • When damaged with a melee weapon this spell has a 20% chance to cast Dust Storm on target's attacker.
    • Decreases Threat to target encounter by (X)
      • If not fighter
    • Increases Threat to target encounter by (X)
      • If fighter
  • On Avoiding an attack, this spell has a 20% chance to cast Dust Storm on target's victim.
    • Decreases Threat to target encounter by (X)
      • If not fighter
    • Increases Threat to target encounter by (X)
      • If fighter
Sandstorm Spell Line
45 59 73 83

Spell Effects by Spell Rank
Effect Apprentice Journeyman Adept Expert Master Grandmaster Ancient Celestial
Block (X)%: ? 11 12 ? 16
Deflection & Parry (X): ? 7.4 8.1 ? 10.8
Threat (X): ? 273-335 298-365 ? 397-487

Gray cells correspond to unavailable ranks of the spell.
