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EverQuest II Instanced Zone Information
Introduced Renewal of Ro
Level Range 125
Zone in from Sandstone Delta
Entrance is at

Saltscorch Steppes593, 114, -639 ) Copy

Parent Zone None
Required Quest Renewal of Ro: Illusion From the Disillusioned
Difficulty Solo
Persistence 1h30min - 3days
NPCs Monsters Names
Drops   POIs Discos

What does this information mean?


  • Shadow mobs and objects bolster the monsters and nameds in the zone. (the bolster Buff is called "The Night's Eye" looks like a full moon)
    The Night's Eye Bolster
    • Dispel the trash mobs to make it easier to kill them.
    • Kill servants of shadows and Eye of Night wards near any names to remove their buff. It takes 10 seconds to lose the buff once the mob or ward is gone.
    • Since the final name summons any unkilled servants of shadows in the zone, if you don't have tons of DPS, go ahead and kill all of them as you progress through the zone.


  1. Crusader Palaendor327, 144, -420 ) Copy
  2. After named dies, turn around and take a flame-branded stallion for a ride.
  3. Shadowscum166, 3, -527 ) Copy
    • The encounter of coagulation of secrets is not part of the named encounter and can be pulled separately.
    • Equip your waist item with Rune: Blinding Gleam to counter his Fear spells
  4. Skip past all the goo puddles in the water to avoid spawning additional shadow mobs.
  5. Granight and his adds at ( 38, 13, -310 ) Copy
    • Pull the minions away from Granight and kill, then kill him.
  6. Ahuttam the Sword's Breeze atop the wall at ( 38, 46, -467 ) Copy
    • The name can stun you, leaving you helpless until it wears off. This happened even in the solo instance. If someone respawns before the group all wipes the name will chase whoever is up, including respawned toons.
  7. Nenmioseh the Night's Eye at ( -198, 95, -480 ) Copy (through the archway and up the hill)
    • She "calls" every prior unkilled servant of shadows in the zone to her during the fight.
    • When she says, "Can you see me?", she will put Murky Mist down on the ground to slow the player and disappear from view.
    • Go to the Relic of Night orb and click it to be ported up into the Luclin bubble above you.
    • Turn your camera down to see the ground and click all the shadow anchor orbs to fire a beam to destroy them.
    • The beam also works on most of the servant of shadows in the mists.
    • When all the shadow anchors have been destroyed, the Relic of Night will return you to the fight.
    • Continue killing adds and named. She will disappear a few times in the fight.
    • NOTE: It is possible to stay on the edge and just power through the fight works just as well.