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Race orc

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EverQuest II Named Monster Information
Zone (Patch) Scourge Keep (Advanced Solo) (LU100)
Race Orc
Level 107▲ Tier 11 Solo
Location On the roof (The Sanctifier's Terrace)
Reported Drops none reported, try LootDB.
Linked with Captain Vulis
AA Exp unknown
Status Points unknown

What does this information mean?

How to spawn this encounter[]

  • Must have killed five named AND Kilug.
  • Retrieve Herald of Zek's Symbol of Obedience. (In a small room (in a box) at the bottom of the basement, near the gate to the Arena. ( 8, -25, 22 ) Copy)
    • Return to the Altar of Tallos, and click "Tallon's Visage". Zek's Symbol of Obedience is consumed and Maknok Captain Vulis spawn on the roof.
  • Head up to the roof to both Mobs
Sanctifier Maknok And Captain Vulis

Spawnspots of both mobs on the roof


  • Maknok fears, use walk/crouch to help keep from falling off the roof.
  • Kill Captain Vulis first: Sanctifier Maknok can't be killed until Vulis is dead.
  • Vulis doesn't take much damage unless he is near one of the detrimental-causing Totems of Submission that spawn.
  • During the fight Maknok calls "Totems of Submission" (you can see in the animation in which direction the totem will spawn).
  • Prioritize:
    • Cure the curse Lashes, once cursed you have about 10 seconds before it increments (once per 5 seconds). Three increments = death.
    • After Vulis is dead, Maknok spawns Totems of Destruction, destroy these quickly, as they significantly buff Maknok's damage and defense.
    • OR burn both down (e.g. with Merc Zugrus)

Effects during the encounter[]

  • while Captain Vulis is alive
    • Lashes
      Effect Lashes


    • Servant's Leash
      Effect ServensLeash

      Serven's Leash

    • Submission
      Effect Submission

