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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Tradeskill
Introduced LU57
Journal Level 35 (Tier 4)
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone Steamfont Mountains more
How to Start Talk to Karalyn Cinderton-525, 177, 1056 ) Copy at Gnomeland Security Headquarters
part of: Tradeskill Timeline
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Material Support
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Essaying Assaying
NOTE: User_comment.png A discussion page exists which may contain more information

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You must be 30 artisan to pick this quest up or she will tell you to come back at 30.


  1. Gather three pure salt crystals from around the hotspring geysers.
    Salt crystals

    salt crystals

  2. As of 6/26/17 had a bunch of updates in this area. Might be difficult if low level.
    • Head to any geyser in Steamfont Mountains, except for those in the Steamfont Wetlands. Goldsteam Geyser at ( -1020, 96, 846 ) Copy and Beryl Shrimp Geyser at ( -350, 93, 1336 ) Copy are good spots. If your adventure level is far below the zone, Beryl Shrimp has no aggro directly around the geyser, making it a safer location.
  3. Harvest the little white salt crystal nodes.
  4. Return the crystals to Karalyn Cinderton.

