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EverQuest II Achievement Information
Sailing the Tranquil Sea
Category: Exploration

Subcategory: Altar of Malice

Find the points of interest in Tranquil Sea

Bawgava Tidepools
Death Weave Isle
Death's Doorway
Earthshaker Penninsula
Ferrin's Landing
Gura-Gura's Peak
Karrabukk's Peak
Lobha Crevasse
Lobha Peaks
Lost Khorr
Malvonicus' Folly
Merinep Cove

The Phantom Sea
Port View Bridge
Razortooth Bay
Sapswill's Rest
South Dshinn
The Beryl Falls
The Crow's Nest
The D.I.R.T.Y. Dig
The End of the Road
The Forbidden Cove
The Isle of Refuge
The Pits of Inevitability
The Saffron Coast
The Tangled Cliffs of Bawgava
The Three Sacred Sisters

\aACH 2376735061:Sailing the Tranquil Sea\/a \aACH 2376735061:Sailing the Tranquil Sea\/a

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