EverQuest 2 Wiki

Tier 2[]

Slot Monster Zone
Head Maalus Shadowfyre The Palace of Roehn Theer
The Scavanator Perah'Celsis' Abominable Laboratory
Shoulders Quest reward starts with Tending to Toxxicology
Chest Roehn Theer 1/2/3 runes The Palace of Roehn Theer
Forearms Perah'Celsis Perah'Celsis' Abominable Laboratory
Hands 3 sages The Palace of Roehn Theer
Legs Oxdaxius The Stonebrunt Highlands
Sehesh in Paineel T1 raid legs + 45 seals
Feet Sehesh in Paineel T1 raid feet + 30 seals

Armor type / class related[]

There are 10 "sets". Keep in mind that the naming does not show the set/tier the item belongs to in all cases :

Slot Plate Offensive Plate Defensive Plate Healer Chain DPS Chain Healer Leather Offensive Leather Defensive Leather Healer Direct Mage Pet Mage
Head Helmet of Death's Embrace Skull Barrier of the Unyielding Shroud of Faded Wights Clockstrike Helm Circlet of Forgotten Spirits Rune Scraped Turban Helmet of Grave Warding Elegiac Coronet Brimstone Cowl Channeling Cap of Ghost Mind
Shoulders Resplendent Pauldrons of Ulteran Conquerors Gleaming Pauldrons of Ulteran Conquerors Gleaming Epaulets of Ulteran Conquerors Resplendent Shoulderguards of Ulteran Conquerors Gleaming Shawl of Ulteran Conquerors Gleaming Spaulders of Ulteran Conquerors Resplendent Spaulders of Ulteran Conquerors Resplendent Shawl of Ulteran Conquerors Resplendent Sleeves of Ulteran Conquerors Gleaming Sleeves of Ulteran Conquerors
Gleaming Shoulderguards of Ulteran Conquerors
Chest Chestplate of Divine Equilibrium Breastplate of Divine Equilibrium Chestguard of Divine Equilibrium Hauberk of Divine Equilibrium Vest of Divine Equilibrium Cuirass of Divine Equilibrium Corselet of Divine Equilibrium Leather Breastplate of Divine Equilibrium Drape of Divine Equilibrium Shirt of Divine Equilibrium
Forearms Forearms of Refined Destruction Foreguards of Refined Power Forearms of Altered Remedies Foreguards of Rigorous Striking Forearms of Worshipped Will Forearms of Might and Power Foreguards of Might and Mind Leather Forearms of Altered States Cuffs of Visionary Being Cuffs of Definitive Power
Hands Fists of the Foretold Warrior Flood-Weathered Gauntlets Gloves of Forgotten Medicine Hands of the Second Splitter Mitts of the Lore Scribe Hail-scored Hand Wraps Gauntlets of Ravaging Winds Clock Spring Gages Hands of Arcane Downpour Gauntlets of Neverending Reach
Legs Lion's Haunches Leggings of the Lion's Mane Triune Essence Breeches Eagle's Feathered Greaves Leggings of Ritual Sacrifice Venomous Leggings of Oxdaxius Enameled Leggings of Oxdaxius Legendary Legguards of Oxdaxius Chimeric Pantaloons Legguards of the Lower Realms
Feet Strengthened Darkfeather Sabatons Plated Darkfeather Sabatons Judged Darkfeather Sabatons Blackened Darkfeather Boots Ancient Darkfeather Boots Reinforced Darkfeather Sandals Threaded Darkfeather Boots Travelling Darkfeather Boots Learned Darkfeather Slippers Channeled Darkfeather Slippers
Devious Darkfeather Sabatons