EverQuest 2 Wiki

Tier 1[]

Slot Monster Zone
Head Sara Greenheart Perah'Celsis' Abominable Laboratory
Shoulders Vuulan Lair of the Dragon Queen
Chest Xilaxis The Explorer Perah'Celsis' Abominable Laboratory
Forearms Wyvernlord Tuluun Lair of the Dragon Queen
Hands Lieutenant Buldoral The Palace of Roehn Theer
Legs Azara the Seer The Palace of Roehn Theer
Feet Ernax Heridion Perah'Celsis' Abominable Laboratory

Armor type / class related[]

There are 10 "sets". Keep in mind that the naming does not show the set/tier the item belongs to in all cases :

Slot Plate Offensive Plate Defensive Plate Healer Chain DPS Chain Healer Leather Offensive Leather Defensive Leather Healer Direct Mage Pet Mage
Head Helm of Refined Destruction Barrier Barbute3 Helm of Altered Remedies Coif of Rigorous Striking Coif of Worshipped Will Kanikara of Balance1 Cap of Might and Mind Helm of Altered States Hood of Visionary Being Hood of Definitive Power
Shoulders Vulaan's Spaulders of the Herald Pauldrons of Remembrance2 Toxic General's Epaulets Poisoned Fiend Shoulderpads Ritualistic Vambraces of the Herald Wurmhide Armwraps of the Mound Shoulderguards of Remembrance2 Wyvernlord Hide Epaulets Shoulderpads of the Black Death Herald's Armwraps of Disdain
Chest Chestplate of Refined Destruction Chestplate of Refined Power Chestguard of Altered Remedies Cuirass of Rigorous Striking Chainmail of Worshipped Will Chestguard of Might and Power Vest of Iilsaad3 Chestguard of Altered States Robes of Visionary Being Robes of Duality2
Forearms Wyvern Wing Bracers Putrid Bone Bracers Strengthened Healing Brace Toxic Brace of Relentless Assaults Ritualistic Channeling Brace Glancing Wristguard Gruengach Vambraces4 Anti-Abomination Brace Brace of the Wyvernlord Summoning Brace of the Wyrmkind
Hands Sage-guardian Gauntlets1 Buldoral's Scarred Gauntlets Salving Gloves of the Battlefield Gloves of the Master's Permission Vatic Hand Wraps Gauntlets of the Frenzied Liege Gauntlets of Martial Heritage Suffused Gauntlets of Erudition Dutiful Gloves of the Battlemage Summoner's Silk Gloves4
Legs Greaves of Recollected Vengeance4 Siege Greaves Parchment Leggings of the Sages Elite Reconnaissance Greaves Breeches of Planar Divination Pants of Recollected Balance2 Commander's Strategic Leggings Ranked Leggings of the Taxonomer Rune Writ Pants of Invocation Pantaloons of the Blasphemous Scholars
Feet Boots of Layered Depths2,4 Boots of Refined Power Boots of Altered Remedies Boots of Rigorous Striking Boots of Worshipped Will Sandals of Might and Power Sandals of Might and Mind Leather Boots of Altered States Sandals of Visionary Being Skollin Seer's Slippers2


  1. Sold by Sehesh in Paineel
  2. Drop by Kendis Parmare in The Palace of Roehn Theer
  3. Drop by Iilsaad's Barrier in The Palace of Roehn Theer
  4. Drop by trash mobs in Perah'Celsis' Abominable Laboratory