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WARNING:This template depreciated, please use Template:SpellInformation2 when updating
Class Mystic Mystic Spell Icon
Level 5
Category (Target)  /  (Group)
Mastery Ordination
 Casting Time  3.0 seconds
 Recast time  2.0 seconds
 Cost  1 concentration 
 Duration  Until Cancelled
 Range  50.0 meters
Mystic: Runic Spell Line
Level Spell Name
5 Runic Mark
19 Runic Symbol
33 Runic Shield ¥
47 Runic Talisman
61 Runic Aegis
74 Runic Armor

¥ Master II choice

A group augmentation that increases physical damage resistance and grants a replenishing ward against physical damage to the mystic's group.
  • Increases Mitigation of group members (AE) vs all physical damage
  • Wards group members (AE) against x points of all physical damage

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Spell Effects by Spell Rank
Effect Apprentice Journeyman Adept Expert Master Grandmaster Ancient Celestial
This spell is using an old template and may not have been updated for GU52. If you have updated this spell for GU52, please use the SpellEffectsLine2 template in place of SpellEffectsLine (ie add a "2").
Increase Mitigation 61 74 81 95 108
This spell is using an old template and may not have been updated for GU52. If you have updated this spell for GU52, please use the SpellEffectsLine2 template in place of SpellEffectsLine (ie add a "2").
Ward vs physical 4 5 6 7 8

Cells for spell ranks that are not available for this spell are displayed as black.
