EverQuest 2 Wiki
Ruins of Verelisk
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EverQuest II Point of Interest
Zone Timorous Deep (Rise of Kunark)
Location South of Mok Rent1918, 39, 267 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI
Discovery Location (AA) Yes
Related Achievement Timorous Deep Traveler

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In the past, Verelisk was a Sathirian outpost. However, beyond control of the intended government, there was a council of three, who truly pulled the strings. The phrase "Shadow Lords" often evokes a strong response from the spirits of Verelisk.

Though loyal to the Sathirian empire, these Shadow Lords were unhappy with the ruling ability of those in power. The Shadow Lords secretly worked for the benefit of Verelisk, but were looked upon by members of Verelisk's 'real' government with hatred.
