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Race ratonga

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EverQuest II Named Monster Information
Zone (Patch) Buried Takish'Hiz: Emergence from Stone (Raid) (Renewal of Ro)
Race Ratonga
Level 133▲▲▲ Tier 14 Epic x4
Location Antechamber of Antiquity ( -22, 29, 74 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI
Reported Drops none reported, try LootDB.
AA Exp Yes
Status Points unknown

What does this information mean?

Rugrat the Thief is a Tier 4 raid boss.


  • 123 Flurry Avoidance
  • 426 Ability Doublecast Avoidance
  • 9299 Resolve


  • This fight has a 45 minute time limit.
  • Rugrat occasionally hops off his flying carpet, Rugburn, which joins the fight as a separate enemy.
  • Rugrat casts Stopped in Your Tracks, a curable noxious that deals growing noxious damage and roots the target.
  • Rugrat casts Mana Bleed III, which drains power from the entire raid. This effect can be blocked with Raid Rune: Power Flex III or higher.
  • At 90%, Rugrat begins rotating through several "rules" that instantly kill any player who breaks the rules. Each player killed in this manner gives Rugrat a permanent increment of Gotcha!, which decreases all incoming damage and increases all outgoing damage.
    • When Rugrat calls "Goes to your class rooms", each of the four rooms gains a symbol in the corners. Each symbol corresponds to a player archetype, and the symbols appear in different rooms each time this rule is called. Players in the correct room are safe. Players in the wrong room are instantly killed.
      • Hammer = Priests
      • Lightning = Mages
      • Shield = Fighters
      • Swords = Scouts
    • When Rugrat calls "Yous MUST be in the same room as me!", he teleports to a randomly selected room, Players who follow him into the correct quadrant are safe. Players in any other quadrant are instantly killed.
    • When Rugrat calls "Yous NOT be in the same room as me!", he teleports to a randomly selected room (including the room he was already in). Players who follow him into his quadrant are instantly killed. Players in any other quadrant are instantly killed.
  • At 50%, the rules change. Instead of rotating through three room-selection games, Rugrat targets one of the four rooms with dark lightning, which instantly kills any players within that room. As before, each player killed in this manner gives Rugrat a permanent increment of Gotcha!. The lightning then proceeds clockwise to the next room and repeats. The lightning continues striking and rotating until Rugrat reaches 25%.
  • At 25%, the rules change back to the initial set used at 90%.
  • Rugrat casts Squirrely Shenanigans, a curable elemental that deals fast growing elemental damage.
  • Rugrat does not cast any form of Barrage; Bulwark of Order can be used as a simple debuff.