Starting at ( 1031, 29, -918 ) Copy/waypoint 1031, 29, -918, follow the path to The Three Sacred Sisters and click any green sparkles you see
There are 15 green sparkles, and if you miss one you will not be able to see the next.
If you can't see the sparkles, turn up your graphics level, especially particle quality.
The last green sparkle just before you see the spiders blends into the bright yellow ground. You can see it from a distance. To see it up close, you can mess with contrast and gamma sliders. Or just feel your way forward until you see the pointer turn into a hand.
Speak to Kitkalla at ( 391, 169, -392 ) Copy/waypoint 391, 169, -392
Click the sparkles in the water ( 380, 168, -412 ) Copy/waypoint 380, 168, -412