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Righteous Combine Leafblighter Tunic

Righteous Combine Leafblighter Tunic

Righteous Combine Leafblighter Tunic worn

Righteous Combine Leafblighter Tunic (Equipped)

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Righteous Combine Leafblighter Tunic
Chest Icon 43 (Legendary)
White Adornment Slot White Adornment Slot 
142 Primary Attributes 142 Stamina
15.6% Haste
15.6% Multi Attack
16.7% Crit Bonus
8.3%  Potency
9.5% Casting Speed
Leather Armor (Chest)
Mitigation 400
Level 93 (Tier 10)
Fury, Warden
Obtain: Reward from the quest "Distraction and Destruction" in Cobalt Scar.

\aITEM -1870200815 -881799878:Righteous Combine Leafblighter Tunic\/a \aITEM -1870200815 -881799878:Righteous Combine Leafblighter Tunic\/a
What does this information mean?

This armor piece is one of a set but the Armor Set page, Righteous Combine Leafblighter's (Armor Set), does not yet exist.
