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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Skyshrine: The Underdepths
Introduced LU63
Journal Level 100 (Tier 11)
Journal Difficulty Heroic
Starting Zone Skyshrine: The Underdepths more
How to Start Speak to High Commander Vyrin
part of: Skyshrine Timeline
Preceded by:
The Path of the Crusaders
Followed by:

What does this information mean?


I must make my way to the Temporal of the Wurm Mother, defeating all of the Awakened Legion that I encounter along the way.

  1. Find your way to the Great Hallway.
    • Hail any of two drakes that sit on both sides of the Ancient Bridge (you can use any of the portals in the zone to get there) and agree to proceed. It will take you to the Great Hallway
    • The update is: A drake flew me down to the Great Hallway!
  2. Defeat Sevalor Gorescale in battle.
  3. Defeat Malteor Flamecaller in battle.
  4. Defeat Dozekar The Cursed in battle.
  5. Return to High Commander Vyrin to complete the quest.

