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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category The Barren Sky  (AA)
Introduced LU55
Journal Level 65 (Tier 7)
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone Barren Sky more
How to Start Speak with Criggle Cloudpuff-524, -73, -343 ) Copy on Whisperwind Isle.
part of: Barren Sky Timeline
Preceded by:
And So It Begins
Followed by:
Beauty Is In The... Eh You Know The Rest

What does this information mean?


  1. Fly to Blackwind Isle.
    • Collect 5 Globules of Goo from Mudstone Oozes around ( -343, 119, 430 ) Copy.
    • Collect 3 crushed crystal shards from crystalline burrowers aound ( -448, 123, 370 ) Copy.
    • Collect 4 Vials of Synovial Fluid from thornspine prowlers around ( -343, 119, 434 ) Copy.
  2. Return to Criggle Cloudpuff on Whisperwind Isle.


At least 14g 81s 38c
