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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Tradeskill  (AA)
Introduced Sentinel's Fate
Journal Level 85 (Tier 9)
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone The Stonebrunt Highlands more
How to Start Talk to Researcher Tahar in Quel'ule
part of: Sentinel's Fate Crafting Timeline
Preceded by:
Researching Quel'ule: Words of Warding
Followed by:
Shadows of the Betrayed

What does this information mean?


Researcher Tahar in what remains of Quel'ule has asked me to place the synthetic kaborite wards in areas surrounding Quel'ule that he has marked with a spell.

  1. Place the wards.
    Location Marker

    Location Marker

    • These show up as green "shinies" on the ground. Click them to update the quest. They must be done in order.
    1. -247, 360, 621 ) Copy
    2. -298, 361, 609 ) Copy
    3. -275, 375, 623 ) Copy This is up on the ledge to the south.
    4. -282, 371, 592 ) Copy This is up on the ledge to the north.
    5. -252, 356, 601 ) Copy This is up on the ramp leading down the the Nexus.
  2. Return to Researcher Tahar

