What does this information mean?
The Far Seas Supply Division has asked me to take responsibility for setting up trade relations with the residents of the newly-discovered regions in the Desert of Ro. Additionally, I am to set up research stations while I am in the area. My first stop will be Hopewell Harbor in the Raj'Dur Plateaus.
Starting the Quest [ ]
Head to the Village of Shin on the Isle of Mara and speak to Jaranna Thistlebloom at ( -81, -2, 105 ) Copy /waypoint -81, -2, 105 inside the pub.
Materials Required [ ]
Either harvest or otherwise acquire:
Bring along this fuel (or use a summon fuel merchant item):
Bring along these portable workstations (or use the summon workstation AAs):
Steps [ ]
Speak with local merchant Bairam Najafi at ( 149, -60, 583 ) Copy /waypoint 149, -60, 583 in the Raj'Dur Plateaus .
Harvest the following in Raj'Dur Plateaus:
Return to Bairam, who gives you Recipe Scroll: Hopewell Harbor Equipment (auto-scribes).
Summon a work bench and craft a Hopewell Display Table . You will need:
1 Yucca Wood (rare)
20 Desert Willow Wood
15 Dustmaw Hide
5 Astral Sandpaper
Next, craft a Desert Work Bench on your summoned work bench. You will need:
20 Pallasite Ore
15 Apatite Gem
5 Astral Coal
Next, craft a Desert Chemistry Table on your summoned work bench. You will need:
5 Apatite Gem
15 Brittlebush Taproot
15 Pallasite Ore
5 Astral Coal
Click the chest with purple sparkles next to Bairam at ( 152, -60, 582 ) Copy /waypoint 152, -60, 582 to place the equipment.
Speak to Bairam to complete the quest.
Rewards [ ]