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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Tradeskill  (AA)
Introduced Renewal of Ro
Journal Level 125 (Tier 13)
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone Raj'Dur Plateaus more
How to Start Speak to Bairam Najafi in the Raj'Dur Plateaus149, -60, 583 ) Copy
part of: Renewal of Ro Crafting Timeline
Preceded by:
Researchers of Ro: Curing the Curse
Followed by:
Researchers of Ro: Takish Time

What does this information mean?

Firiona Vie had sent a request for some Growth Prayer stones for a major ceremony. I must craft them and bring them to her as soon as possible.

Materials Required[]


  1. Craft 5 Growth Prayer Stones from the Recipe Scroll: Renewal Recipes (auto-scribed when you accept quest) on the Work Bench behind Bairam at ( 150, -60, 580 ) Copy. For each combine you will need:
  2. Speak to Firiona Vie in Goldami Reservoir Camp at ( -552, 10, 435 ) CopyRaj'Dur Plateaus.
  3. Enter Takish'Hiz Arena: Renewal of Ro [Tradeskill] through the portal next to Firiona at ( -545, 10, 429 ) Copy.
  4. Place the five growth stones you crafted by clicking on the glowing outlines at:
    Growth Prayer Stone

    Growth Prayer Stone Location

    • -52, 140, -827 ) Copy
    • -120, 140, -829 ) Copy
    • -140, 140, -894 ) Copy
    • -83, 140, -930 ) Copy
    • -28, 140, -866 ) Copy
  5. Speak to Firiona Vie inside the arena at ( -79, 140, -838 ) Copy.
    • NOTE: Entire event provides a group-wide update. Only one member needs to hail Firiona Vie and 'deal with' the cursed Elddar remnants, using either of the approved methods below.
  6. Witness the ceremony:
    • Watch the surprise appearance during the ceremony and wait as the unexpected visitor does his monologue.
    • Deal with the a cursed Elddar remnant's. There are two ways to do this:
      1. If you're a level 125 adventurer, just kill them. They're level 129^ and 130^, but have less health than usual. (There are 8 groups of 3 to dispose of)
      2. Low-adventure-level crafters: Find and click on a Growth Blossom to get 50 Growth Spores, then run round the perimeter of the arena collecting Growth Roots. Use the roots to root 2 of each linked encounter then use growth spores on the third. Then you can take out the two rooted-but-aggro ones with more spores. Rinse & repeat.
        Growth Blossom

        Growth Blossom

        • Growth Blossoms spawn in or near the flower arrangements scattered round the zone. There can be up to three of these, but only one is required. Possible locations: ( -92, 140, -826 ) Copy, ( -127, 140, -826 ) Copy, ( -135, 140, -871 ) Copy
        • Hint: the Growth Roots and Blossoms spawn when the plants do, and can be harvested immediately, before any Cursed Elddar appear. This is much safer for lowbie crafters, and helps speed things up a bit as well.
    • Watch the rest of the events until the quest updates again.
  7. Return to Bairam Najafi at ( 150, -60, 583 ) Copy in Raj'Dur Plateaus.
  8. Craft Events of the Renewal Ceremony tome on the Work Bench behind Bairam Najafi at ( 150, -60, 580 ) Copy. You will need:
    • 1 Armapine Hide
    • 15 Brittlebush Taproot
    • 10 Dustmaw Hide
    • 5 Astral Incense
  9. Speak to Bairam Najafi at ( 150, -60, 583 ) Copy in the Raj'Dur Plateaus. to complete the quest.


The information below has been verified with in-game data and the information on this page is correct, even if it looks stupid or makes no sense.
Fact: You have entered Takish'Hiz Arena: Renewal of Ro [Tradeskill].
