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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Tradeskill  (AA)
Introduced Renewal of Ro
Journal Level 125 (Tier 13)
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone Raj'Dur Plateaus more
How to Start Speak to Bairam Najafi in the Raj'Dur Plateaus149, -60, 583 ) Copy
part of: Renewal of Ro Crafting Timeline
Preceded by:
Researchers of Ro: Responsibility for Raj'Dur
Followed by:
Researchers of Ro: Renewal

What does this information mean?

Bairam says that many who explore Buried Takish'Hiz either do not return, or return mad, and this cuts into our potential customer base. I need to figure out some item that we can sell that will either protect or cure them.

Materials Required[]


  1. Go to Greater Faydark and speak to Miralith Flitterwing at ( 587, 45, 66 ) Copy
  2. Speak to desert herbalist Rasime Najafi at ( 149, -60, 586 ) Copy in Raj'Dur Plateaus
  3. Harvest the following from shrubs and schools of fish:
  4. Return to Rasime, who gives you the auto-scribing recipe Recipe Scroll: Desert Curse Prevention Potion.
  5. Create 6 Desert Curse Prevention Potions on a Chemistry Table. You can use the chemistry table you created for Bairam earlier at ( 145, -60, 581 ) Copy. For each combine you will need:
  6. Speak to Bairam.
  7. Examine the crate of trade goods right next to Bairam at ( 152, -60, 583 ) Copy.
  8. Find the Far Seas Messenger - Rela Lesan at ( 210, -60, 496 ) Copy.
  9. Return and speak to Bairam to complete the quest.

