EverQuest 2 Wiki
Renee Atherton

Renee Atherton

other resources
EverQuest II NPC Information
Purpose Bartender
Race Half Elf
Zone Qeynos Province District (Shattered Lands)
Location Qeynos Harbor, under a tent outside The Harbor Cache769, -20, -33 ) Copy


Item Price
aerated mineral water 6c
Antonia Ale (Alcoholic) 1s 20c
cocoa 18c
cream cheese 6c
dough 18c
Dwarven Ale (Alcoholic) 6s
Elven Wine (Alcoholic) 7s 20c
Gnomish Spirits (Alcoholic) 8s 40c
Lucan's Lager (Alcoholic) 1s 20c
milk 6c
Oggok Swill (Alcoholic) 12s
sugar 6c
Teir'dal Blood Wine (Alcoholic) 10s 80c

Level 1 - [information needed][]

Item Price
canteen of murky water 10c
flask of murky water 2c

Level [information needed] - 100[]

Item Price
canteen of purified river water 69s 79c
purified river water 34s 90c