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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Withered Lands
Introduced Shattered Lands
Journal Level 91 (Tier 10)
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone The Withered Lands more
How to Start Brint Thornwood -2395, -668, 226 ) Copy
part of: The Withered Lands Timeline
Preceded by:
Tending to the Broken
Followed by:
All You Need is Time

What does this information mean?


  1. Find Kerr Wanderroot-2314, -588, -922 ) Copy
    • Save this location, you will need to dash back here.
  2. Go to New Combine Foothold and speak with Researcher Auroen-3545, -781, -147 ) Copy
  3. Gather 8 pollen by killing plants just outside the camp, a briarthorn creeper and a briarthorn snapper both update this step.
  4. Return to Researcher Auroen and boil pollen in pot on campfire in front of her.
  5. Dash back to Kerr Wanderroot within 3 minutes and apply the cure. ( -2314, -588, -922 ) Copy NOTE: Using the stable horse to travel from the New Combine to the Sanctuary of Waning saves you some time.
  6. Meet Kerr Wanderroot at Sanctuary of Mourning-1785, -599, -1069 ) Copy

