What does this information mean?
Note: The ground sparkles where the Whispering Medallion is expected to be used.
- Speak with Dreadmage Sathrozz ( 552, 250, 1340 ) Copy/waypoint 552, 250, 1340.
- Follow the Whispering Medallion to the Mouth of Crusaders' Cave
- Continue following the trail "to the Pass"
- Find the trace of Krartukus "to the woods"
- Continue following the trail "Chalp. Find the Stone!"
- Stone in Chalp ( 170, -123, 218 ) Copy/waypoint 170, -123, 218. Inspect it.
- Defeat the Kromdul defender. Spawns a little way back down the path.
- Go back and take a piece of the stone.
- Return to Dreadmage Sathrozz ( 553, 250, 1339 ) Copy/waypoint 553, 250, 1339.
- Speak to Dreadmage Sathrozz again after he finished the ritual