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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Obol Plains  (AA)
Introduced Chains of Eternity
Journal Level 95 (Tier 10)
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone Obol Plains more
How to Start Talk to Venox Tarkog
part of: Obol Plains Timeline
Preceded by:
Convenient Conversion
Followed by:
Search of Scales

What does this information mean?


  1. Recover 6 totems from feral lujien, found north of Venox (uncommon auto-update).
  2. Return to Venox.
  3. Speak to Elder Direfur to the south.
  4. Speak to Elder Brokenfang at ( 254, 88, 52 ) Copy .
  5. Speak to Lunar Sky at ( 248, 92, 97 ) Copy .
  6. Kill the now-feral Lunar Sky. You'll get a broken lujien totem.
  7. Return to Venox Tarkog to complete the quest.


  • At least 1p 30g

