What does this information mean?
Steps [ ]
Speak to Head Scholar Nabihan in the Luclin Nexus of the City of Fordel Midst ( 375, -36, 776 ) Copy /waypoint 375, -36, 776 .
Return to the City of Shar Vahl and speak to Hymnist Wadakha at The Jharin Assemblage ( -84, 31, -410 ) Copy /waypoint -84, 31, -410 .
Enter Shadeweaver's Thicket via the Shadeweaver Gate ( -353, 92, 178 ) Copy /waypoint -353, 92, 178 and begin preparing for the offering ceremony to the Feral Spirit.
Find a way to prepare my soul.
Find a way to have my body prepared.
Speak with Haadirr Darjin in Shadeweaver's Thicket ( -480, 158, -796 ) Copy /waypoint -480, 158, -796 .
Return to Hymnist Wadakha in City of Shar Vahl ( -84, 31, -410 ) Copy /waypoint -84, 31, -410 .
He will not have the book over his head at this point, you just need to stand near him.
Speak with Al'Kabor's projection ( -89, 31, -408 ) Copy /waypoint -89, 31, -408 .
Speak with Hymnist Wadakha ( -84, 31, -410 ) Copy /waypoint -84, 31, -410 .
Rewards [ ]