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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Signature
Introduced Reign of Shadows
Journal Level 120 (Tier 13)
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone City of Shar Vahl more
How to Start Speak to Xawon in Shadeweaver's Thicket at ( -211, 62, 114 ) Copy
part of: Reign of Shadows Timeline
Preceded by:
Reign of Shadows: Vexing Challenge
Followed by:
Whispers of Tyranny: A Feral Offering

What does this information mean?


BlueBeam ReignofShadows-AgainstThalOdds

blue beam

Portal1 ReignofShadows-AgainstThalOdds


Door1 ReignofShadows-AgainstThalOdds


  1. Enter Vex Thal: Shadow Citadel by clicking a portal at ( 7, 169, 560 ) Copy. from inside Shadeweaver's Thicket.
  2. Slay Rhag'Xiuhsiss in the Tower of Conscience87, -31, -215 ) Copy.
  3. Find blue beam of shadow and step into it to get the "Clinging Shadows" buff ( 36, -19, -51 ) Copy.
  4. Use the teleporter at ( -102, -3, 30 ) Copy.
  5. Click on the door at ( 1, -41, -292 ) Copy and use the teleporter at ( -10, -41, -316 ) Copy
  6. Slay Enforcer Shaaho in the Chamber of Reincarnation at ( -83, 31, -421 ) Copy.
  7. Find another blue beam of shadow-67, 31, -196 ) Copy
  8. Use the teleporter at ( -1, 20, -290 ) Copy.
  9. Speak with Aten Ha Ra-85, 88, -400 ) Copy.
  10. Defeat Aten Ha Ra to obtain Aten Ha Ra's Breath of Kaas
  11. Use the portal to return to Shadeweaver's Thicket at ( 0.43, -3, 100 )
  12. Speak with Al'Kabor's projection in The Jharin Assemblage in the City of Shar Vahl at ( -89, 31, -408 ) Copy.

