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Refulgent Crystal Stud

Refulgent Crystal Stud

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Refulgent Crystal Stud
Item 11
White Adornment Slot Red Adornment Slot 
1,019 Primary Attributes 1,240 Stamina
104,147 Health 46,849 Power
142,340  Resistances 296 Combat Skills
75.6% Haste
23.7% Block Chance
265.3% Crit Bonus
6,225.8%  Potency
150 Resolve
24 Weapon Damage Overcap
Slot Ear
Level 111 (Tier 12)
Obtain: Reward from the quest "Dazzle Defenses" in The Blinding.

\aITEM 909085918 381751230:Refulgent Crystal Stud\/a \aITEM 909085918 381751230:Refulgent Crystal Stud\/a
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