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EQ2U · LootDB · EQ2LL · ZAM · Census xml
Reflected Locket of Spirit
Item 929
White Adornment Slot Green Adornment Slot Purple Adornment Slot 
3,186 Primary Attributes 5,465 Stamina
265,374 Health 166,770 Power
528 Combat Skills
456% Crit Chance
1,274.8% Crit Bonus
34,638.2%  Potency
455 Resolve
52.9 Ability Doublecast
Slot Neck
Level 126 (Tier 13)
Obtain: Reward from the quest "Ballads of Zimara: Ascending Collection".

\aITEM 242503783 -92025301:Reflected Locket of Spirit\/a \aITEM 242503783 -92025301:Reflected Locket of Spirit\/a
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