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Collection Quest Information
Collection Name Rare Ocean Maps
Category: Altar of Malice
Level 100 (Tier 11)
Zone (Patch) See Special Notes below more (Rum Cellar Campaign)
Reward types: Fabled ItemsCurrency

This quest is part of the Rum Cellar Campaign Collection Timeline

Starting the Collection

Most Collection Quests begin by examining any of the members of that collection, which are harvested from special, random ground spawning nodes using the Collecting harvesting skill. Members of this collection can be found as follows:

  • Rewards from other collection quests.

Collection Members


Special Notes

This is the final collection quest at the top of a hierarchy of collection quests covering the whole Rum Cellar campaign.
This is not a normal collection quest. The collection members are not obtained by harvesting shinies.
Four of the collection members are obtained from the completion of other collection quests, making this collection a "meta-collection". However, in this case, three of those earlier collection quests are themselves "meta-collections", making this more of a "meta-meta-collection"! Note that the last collection member listed above (Sea of Crossed Swords Map) is obtained by clicking the map behind where Charanda is standing in the heroic zone "F.S. Distillery: Distill or Be Killed". Note that this item is NO TRADE. Only one character can get the update at any given time, but it is worth noting that the clicky resets every 90 minutes, so it is possible to get this update from a previously-cleared instance.

Daybreak Games
