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EverQuest II Instanced Zone Information
Introduced Renewal of Ro
Level Range 125
Zone in from Raj'Dur Plateaus
Entrance is at

Hopewell Harbor163, -60, 477 ) Copy

Parent Zone None
Difficulty Solo
Persistence 1h 30m - 3d
Quests NPCs Monsters Names
Drops   POIs Discos

What does this information mean?


  1. Baka188, -60, 453 ) Copy
    • Says: "Raj'Dur! Come and take these intruders!" - Summons adds.
    • Curable: Blade of Sands - Max health slashing AOE frontal + Daze AOE frontal
    • Incurable: Fists of Raj'Dur - Interrupt AOE + Max health crushing damage AOE dot + Player cannot cast hostile spells AOE frontal
    • Incurable: Booted Dagger - Root + haste decrease + Max health piercing dmg dot + power drain dot
  2. Khadra Chatt328, 10, 176 ) Copy
    • Emote: Khadra Chatt calls the siroccos. - Summons adds.
    • Curable: Substantial Sabatoge - prevents player from casting hostile abilities + poison AOE dot (may be possible to avoid from behind)
    • Curable: Death From Thirst - 15m teleport/interrupt + 20k CB decrease (may be possible to avoid from behind)
    • Curable: Poisoned Water - Daze + Poison DOT + 10k crit bonus decrease
    • Incurable: Fires of Ro - AOE interrupt/root + heat AOE dot + power drain dot (may be possible to avoid from behind)
    • Incurable: Crushing Winds: Root + crushing damage dot
  3. Farid-438, 9, 157 ) Copy
    • Emote: Farid howls loudly. - calls in adds
    • Curable: Fall of Fangs - Disarm + health piercing dmg AOE + Power drain AOE
    • Incurabale: Clamped Jaws - Power drain Dot + reduced healing received
  4. Quartermaster Hamid-531, 3, 479 ) Copy
    • Says: You simply do not understand the gravity of the situation you have put yourselves into. - Casts Pound of Flesh
    • Curable: Rabid Bite - Summons adds + Force target to adds + max health pierce damage
    • Curable: Weight of Value - Max health dot + power drain dot
    • Curable: Pound of Flesh - 15m teleport + interrupt + max health magic damage + healing received reduction
    • Incurable: Sultan's Hammer - Throwback + crushing damage AOE + Stun AOE
      • NPC is LEASHED and breaks encounter/resets if moved too far from spawn/standing point, so find a position where you won't be thrown far.
    • Incurable: Fists of Raj'Dur - Interrupt + crushing damage AOE + prevents hostile abilities AOE frontal
  5. Mustapha Droughtbringer-8, -2, 151 ) Copy
    • Curable: Mummified - Root AOE frontal + Max health frontal/flanking dot + AOE power drain dot
    • Curable: Soul Strike - Interrupt + Max health disease damage dot frontal + Power drain AOE dot frontal
    • Curable: Dehydrate - Disease Max health damage Dot + "The dryness will desiccate you!"
    • If Dehydrate is allowed to expire - Desiccated: Daze + Root + Max health disease dmg dot + grants Spirit Form to caster


  • 3 Renewal Talent
  • 1 Renewal Crate