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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Kael Drakkel: Iceshard Keep
Introduced Destiny of Velious
Journal Level 95 (Tier 10)
Journal Difficulty Heroic
Starting Zone Outer Kael more
How to Start Speak to Greer Mcrae

What does this information mean?


  1. Speak with Mairi Hendry in Iceshard Keep. She's on the ice ledge surrounding the building at ( -703, 120, 222 ) Copy.
  2. Eavesdrop on the conversation between Praefectus Krieger and Vindicator Soren - stand in the hallway close enough that you can 'hear' the conversation, but far enough away that you don't draw aggro. This step auto-updates when the conversation is completed
  3. Plant anti-Kromzek propaganda around iceshard keep. The places to place it are large sparkling blue sections of the wall.
    • Plant propaganda in the Storeroom
    • Plant propaganda in the Armory
    • Plant propaganda in the Brew House
    • Plant propaganda in the Barracks
  4. Return to Greer Mcrae

